Monday, December 20, 2010

Small Steps...

Part of the reason I am keeping this blog, is simply to track my progress. One thing is for sure is that progress is going to be small steps at achieving the various milestones. Today was another day for small steps in the right direction. After a good 2 hour yoga and meditation session to get myself and the others in the right frame of mind, I improved my personal best dry breath hold to 3min 29 sec.

The dive was rather rough with the weather coming in. Not what I would call ideal training weather, but we were there to dive. My best free dive for the day was 13m. I definitely could push to 20m but didn't want to push the envelope yet. As the diving becomes second nature, so I will push the limits.

It was amazing to stop a few meters from a Humpback whale and her calf, and on our return the almost 3 or 4 pods of dolphins. I jumped in but somehow missed them as they were on a feeding mission. So the free dive with dolphins must wait for another day. Maybe the same day I break the 20m mark...(Jacques Mayol smiles...)

Depth 13 meters, time 53sec.

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